The Out-of-Towners

March 11, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

blue angels

As a Co-founder of the Arizona Aviation Photographers (AzAP), I am pleased to announce the publication of our first book, The Out-of-Towners: NAF El Centro Through the Lenses of the Arizona Aviation PhotographersThe Out-of-Towners takes the reader on a visual tour of Naval Air Facility El Centro, covering everything from the Blue Angels' winter training to the sailors and contractors who keep the base running to the Navy, Marine, and allied training detachments that visit the base on a regular basis.  At 60 pages in length and available as a softcover, hardcover, or eBook, the book features the work of twenty-nine AzAP photographers and documents four years worth of visits to NAF El Centro.

The Out-of-Towners is available for order through, a print-on-demand service that ships your books directly to you after purchase.  Softcovers are available for $35.00, hardcovers for $45.00, and it is also available as an eBook download for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch for $9.99.  Proceeds from the sale of The Out-of-Towners will be used to directly benefit the sailors aboard NAF El Centro.



"The aviation photography and the stories featured here capture the mission of Naval Air Facility El Centro as well as the spirit of the Sailors, Marines and Joint Forces who train here. The men and women of NAFEC are proud to be an integral part of the Naval Aviation Enterprise and this book captures some of the best of what they do."
     -Michelle R. Dee, Naval Air Facility El Centro Public Affairs Officer


Get your copy of the Arizona Aviation Photographers' first book, The Out-of-Towners, today.


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